This is interesting, alot people found thing they dislike on net, this is some reason i giving you after a small research..
1. video lagging during watching YouTube.. it piss people off to press play and pause repeatedly..
2. People making nasty comments about you on Ur blog or face book, saying how ugly u look, thing that untrue about yourself.. you have to waste time delete and defend yourself from this kind of remark..
3. spam or website link appear while u surfing some site, like recently using msn, i found people sending mi link to click, but i too smart for it, after contact few of my friend we discover we have e same situation, realizing it could be some Trojan virus, so we stop using msn and choose other alternative source..
4. i recently see this new abt this site call rednano, internet user can click at e search box and write your name, if ur name appear, ur address will be displayed and a google maps appear beside,
but u can remove ur name n details if u inform e website,
if u manage to find my address, please don't stalk mi..
That all what i found if i got any newer research, i will publish it out..
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